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IC19 Workshop 07 - Transparent Hypnotherapy Instead of Indirectness - How Clients as Active Co-Hypnotherapist With All Their Senses Can Be Invited to Utilize Symptoms as Competent Messengers of Needs - Gunther Schmidt, MD Diplom-Volkswirt

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Hypnotherapy |  Indirection |  Utilization |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2019
Gunther Schmidt, MD, MA
1 Hour 57 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 12, 2019
Never Expires.



Transparent hypnotherapy instead of indirectness- how clients as active co-hypnotherapist with all their senses can be invited to utilize symptoms as competent messengers of needs.

In the Ericksonian tradition on the one side it is assumed that the knowledge and competences are already existent within the clients but on the other side many hypnotherapeutic interventions are structured as rather indirect and intransparent for the conscious mind of the clients. Although this can be very effective it also implies often significant disadvantages on the level of the co-creation of the relationship between therapist and clients and also often is experienced as a discount of the competences oft he conscious mind. In the workshop it will be shown theoretically and practically how with strategies of transparent metacommunication the clients with their competent conscious minds can be won for effective and the whole person dignifying cooperation. So clients can also learn how they create unconsciously (autopietically) their own experience- also their problems- and how they can transform them in constructive solution. Even interspersal techniques can so be utilized with overt preparation as priming interventions which make them even more effective. Also so the clients can understand that their symptoms and problems are mostly attempted solutions for covert needs and can so be utilized as reminders oft he needs and how one can do also on a conscious level something for their fulfillment.


Educational Objectives:

  1. Describe important premises of Ericksonian approaches of hypnotherapy and their implications and some possible Problems for the creation of relationships between Clients and therapists.
  2. Discuss concepts which enable to consequently build up processes which strengthen the internal cooperation of conscious mind and of involuntary and unconscious processes.
  3. Demonstrate how with very transparent communication and of explicit explanations of every step of the offers of therapists the clients can learn to be their own hypnotherapists who utilize their experiences-also their symptoms- as competent signals about their needs.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Gunther Schmidt, MD, MA's Profile

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Gunther Schmidt, MD, MA, is the director of the Milton H. Erickson Institut Heidelberg and director of the SysTelios Clinic for Psychosomatic Competence, Siedelsbrunn. Dr. Schmidt holds a master’s degree in Economics and is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the German Business Training Association. He is a founder, honorary member, and former vice-president (1984-2003) of Milton Erickson Society of Germany, founding member and teaching expert of Systemic Society of Germany, German Society of Systemic Family Therapy, and German Federal Association of Coaching. 
