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IC07 Workshop 37 - Resonating with the Feminine - Lilian Zeig, MA, Marilia Baker, MSW, Consuelo Casula, Lic Psych, Betty Alice Erickson, MS and Teresa Robles, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga |  Hypnosis |  Gender |  Femininity
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2007
Lilian Borges, MA, LPC |  Marilia Baker, MSW |  Consuelo Casula, Dipl. Psych |  Betty Alice Erickson, MS, LPC, LMFT |  Teresa Robles, MA, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 09, 2007
Never Expires.



We all have a feminine part and a masculine part, both yin and yang. Whereas the masculine part helps us to control things, analyze things, and make things happen in the world, the feminine part is our guide to, and the connection with our soul. We need ways to resonate with our feminine side in order to have direction, meaning and purpose, and to fulfill our mission in life. This workshop will address how hypnosis and some other strategies can be used to help us resonate with the feminine in our lives.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To list three characteristics of the feminine principle.
  2. Given a client, list two Ericksonian strategies designed to elicit change by resonating with the feminine.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Lilian Borges, MA, LPC's Profile

Lilian Borges, MA, LPC Related Seminars and Products

The Milton Erickson Foundation

Lilian Borges, MA, LPC, is a licensed professional counselor with more than 18 years of experience doing and teaching psychotherapy, Ericksonian hypnosis and brief therapy. She is an invited teacher at the Milton Erickson Foundation for their extensive hypnosis training programs. Lilian has been conducting seminars in the United States and internationally about couples therapy, and Ericksonian therapy.

Marilia Baker, MSW's Profile

Marilia Baker, MSW Related Seminars and Products

Marilia Baker, MSW, is a multicultural, multilingual Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is a Board member of the Phoenix Institute of Ericksonian Therapy; member of the Advisory Board for Phoenix Friends of C.G.Jung; International Advisor and Consultant, Centro Ericksoniano de México, and Institutes Editor for the Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter. She conducts presentations and workshops locally and internationally. Ms. Baker is the author of A Tribute to Elizabeth Moore Erickson: Colleague Extraordinaire, Wife, Mother, and Companion, also published in Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Consuelo Casula, Dipl. Psych's Profile

Consuelo Casula, Dipl. Psych Related Seminars and Products

Consuelo Casula, Lic Psych, is a psychologist and a psychotherapist with a private practice in Milan, Italy, and a trainer for hypnosis and psychotherapy. She is in the Board of Directors of SII, President-Elect of ESH and Secretary/treasurer of ISH. She writes books on communication skills, leading groups, creating metaphors, resilience, and women's development.

Betty Alice Erickson, MS, LPC, LMFT's Profile

Betty Alice Erickson, MS, LPC, LMFT Related Seminars and Products

Betty Alice Erickson, MS, LPC, LMFT, is a psychotherapist in Dallas (for over 20 years) and the middle daughter of Dr. Milton H. Erickson. She is an international teacher of hypnosis and specifically the conversational approach pioneered by her father. Betty Alice has authored articles, chapters and books on the subject.

Teresa Robles, MA, PhD's Profile

Teresa Robles, MA, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Teresa Robles, PhD, has a Master Degree in Social Anthropology, a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology and a training in Systemic Family Therapy. She has introduced Ericksonian Hypnosis in Mexico, and has adapted it to Spanish and Portuguese. She is co founder of the first Milton H. Erickson Institute in Mexico City and the founder of the Mexican Ericksonnian Centre that is considered by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology at a level of a University. The Centre has created the first Master Degree Program in the world of Ericksonnian Psychoterapy.
