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IC07 Topical Panel 10 - Therapy with Children & Adolescents - Danie Beaulieu, Ph.D., Maria Escalante Cortina, D.D.S., John Edgette, Psy.D., Susy Signer-Fischer, Lic. Phil.

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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels |  Children and Adolescent Therapy
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2007
Danie Beaulieu, PhD |  Maria Escalante de Smith, MA |  John Edgette, PsyD |  Susy Signer-Fischer, Lic. Phil. Psych
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 08, 2007
Never Expires.


IC07 Topical Panel 10 - Therapy with Children & Adolescents - Danie Beaulieu, Ph.D., Maria Escalante Cortina, D.D.S., John Edgette, Psy.D., Susy Signer-Fischer, Lic. Phil.



Danie Beaulieu, PhD's Profile

Danie Beaulieu, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Danie Beaulieu, PhD, holds a doctorate degree in psychology and is internationally recognized as a co-developer in Eye Movement Integration (EMI) Therapy and Impact Therapy. She has authored seventeen books, some of which have been translated into several languages. Her dynamic and concrete workshops have been ranked among the best in every conference where she presented.

John Edgette, PsyD's Profile

John Edgette, PsyD Related Seminars and Products

John Edgette, Psy.D. is nationally renowned psychologist, speaker, and author, with multiple books, multiple book chapters, and dozens of articles in professional journals. 
John is a clinical psychologist licensed in Iowa, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, with the following specialties: brief, solution-focused therapy for individuals, couples, and families; clinical hypnosis; adolescent therapy; behavioral medicine/health psychology; sports and performing arts psychology, sex therapy.
John had been practicing in the Philadelphia area for over two decades, and now have practice in Southeast Iowa, and video conferences around the World. He had faculty appointments at Widener University, Villanova University and Immaculata University, and has written two books.

Susy Signer-Fischer, Lic. Phil. Psych's Profile

Susy Signer-Fischer, Lic. Phil. Psych Related Seminars and Products

Susy Signer-Fischer, Lic. Phil., is a psychologist and psychotherapist FSP, specializing in working with children, adolescents and adults. She works at the Institute for Developmental and Personality Psychology at the University of Basel in Switzerland and is also in private practice in Basel and Bern. Susy was director of the Family and Educational Counseling Centre in Basel, Switzerland for the past ten years. She is a supervisor and trainer in psychotherapy, mainly in hypnotherapy, psychotherapy for children, adolescents, families and couples. She is the past-president and founding member of the Swiss Society of Clinical Hypnosis (GHypS).
