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IC07 Dialogue 07 - All Things Erickson - Marilia Baker, MSW, Dan Short, Ph.D., Alexander Simpkins, Ph.D. and Annellen Simpkins, Ph.D.

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Topic Areas:
Dialogues |  Milton Erickson
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2007
Marilia Baker, MSW |  Dan Short, PhD |  Alexander Simpkins, PhD |  Annellen M. Simpkins, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 08, 2007
Never Expires.


IC07 Dialogue 07 - All Things Erickson - Marilia Baker, MSW, Dan Short, Ph.D., Alexander Simpkins, Ph.D. and Annellen Simpkins, Ph.D.



Marilia Baker, MSW's Profile

Marilia Baker, MSW Related Seminars and Products

Marilia Baker, MSW, is a multicultural, multilingual Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is a Board member of the Phoenix Institute of Ericksonian Therapy; member of the Advisory Board for Phoenix Friends of C.G.Jung; International Advisor and Consultant, Centro Ericksoniano de México, and Institutes Editor for the Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter. She conducts presentations and workshops locally and internationally. Ms. Baker is the author of A Tribute to Elizabeth Moore Erickson: Colleague Extraordinaire, Wife, Mother, and Companion, also published in Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Dan Short, PhD's Profile

Dan Short, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Dan Short, Ph.D, is internationally recognized for his work in Ericksonian hypnosis and short-term therapy. He devotes most of his time to a private practice in Scottsdale, AZ, while also writing and teaching to professional audiences around the globe. His training is diverse, having graduated with a Masters in Counseling from the University of North Texas in 1993, a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; followed by an internship at an APA accredited program in Houston Texas.

Alexander Simpkins, PhD's Profile

Alexander Simpkins, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Alexander Simpkins, Ph.D, is a psychologist specializing in meditation, hypnotherapy, and neuroscience. He has been practicing psychotherapy for more than three decades and have taught meditative and hypnotic methods to facilitate mind-brain change in people of all ages. 

Annellen M. Simpkins, PhD's Profile

Annellen M. Simpkins, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Annellen Simpkins, Ph.D, is a psychologist specializing in meditation, hypnotherapy, and neuroscience. She has been practicing psychotherapy for more than three decades and have taught meditative and hypnotic methods to facilitate mind-brain change in people of all ages.
