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IC04 Workshop 62 - The Ripple Effect: Six Small Steps to Leading an Addiction-Free Life - Albina Tamalonis, Psy.D.

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Addiction
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2004
Albina Tamalonis, PsyD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2004
Never Expires.



This course offers a practical step-by-step approach to overcoming addictions and other vicious cycles. A multidimensional learning approach utilizing Ericksonian strategies and hypnosis helps one's patients make small changes in each of the areas of their lives: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, behavioral and social. These six changes ripple out in a positive, interactive fashion to create a new way of life. Sample hypnotic protocols are distributed and explained.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe the role of hypnosis in aiding the ripple effect.
  2. To describe three specific hypnotic protocols to assist change.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Albina Tamalonis, PsyD's Profile

Albina Tamalonis, PsyD Related Seminars and Products

Albina Tamalonis, PsyD, has a full-time private practice on the Upper West Side of New York City, using Ericksonian psychotherapy and hypnosis. Dr. Tamalonis was in the first training program offered by Dr. Jeffery Zeig at the Foundation in 1984 and authored the third doctoral dissertation validating Erickson’s work in 1990 for her clinical psychology doctorate. She also has two masters’ degrees; one in experimental social psychology and the other in child clinical psychology. Dr. Tamalonis and her husband produce hypnosis CDs with original music.
