Treating post-traumatic disordered patients requires multi-level communication; overt contracting and informed consent, plus covert suggestion implying greater competency than patients experience. Key issues are role differentiation, establishing safety parameters, neutralizing regressive invitations, working with significant others, and challenging patients to master their trauma through redefining their personal identity.
Educational Objectives:
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
John Beahrs, MD, is a psychiatrist retired from the Portland Veteran's Administration Medical Center, and Professor Emeritus, Oregon Health and Science University. A three-time recipient of a Milton H. Erickson Award, Dr. Beahrs developed strategic self-therapy for treating personality disorders and a "shared self-deception hypothesis" of how human minds evolved. He is the author of three books, with two books in progress: Psychotherapy and The Reality Question.