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IC04 Short Course 15 - The Utilization of Improvisational Theater in a Solution-Focused Body Therapy - Claudia Weinspach, Dipl. Psych.

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Topic Areas:
Short Courses |  Improvisation |  Utilization |  Solution Oriented Approach |  Communication |  Therapist Development |  Trance
Erickson Congress |  Erickson Congress 2004
Claudia Weinspach, Dipl. Psych
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 02, 2004
Never Expires.



Improvisational theater is a useful component in brief therapeutic approaches. It can be used for different therapeutic purposes. One important goal to be achieved is the patient's development of a healthier body perception as well as their natural recognition and expression of sensual feelings. In this context, the use of improvisational theater elements helps to connect with forgotten or hidden resources of abused women with multiple trauma symptoms. By absorbing the patient's unconscious mind in a state of creative, sensual energy the patient's potential is utilized and can serve as a powerful catalyst to energize their own healing resources.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe the use of improvisational theater elements for trance induction.
  2. To describe the use of body language in communication.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Claudia Weinspach, Dipl. Psych's Profile

Claudia Weinspach, Dipl. Psych Related Seminars and Products

As a Psychology Psychologist and Approbierte Psychological Psychotherapist I am since 1999 in Münster established in private practice. At the same time, since 1995 I have been working for 17 years (until 3/2012) in the "Beratungsstelle Zartbitter Münster eV", a counseling service for victims of sexualised violence. My current focus is above all in the field of modern hypnosis, which I individually use in coaching and in the treatment of mental illness.

After having learned and practiced various additional psychological training courses (behavioral, conversation and body therapy as well as couple therapy), I have now put hypnosis at the center of my advisory and therapeutic work. It offers - like no other process - a colorful bouquet of application possibilities for almost all areas of life in a mixture of economic effectiveness and individually tailored processes. It is equally suitable for the solution of a limited problem or achievement of a set goal as well as for the successful treatment of diseases. I combine modern hypnotherapy with elements of indigenous shamanic traditions and music.
