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IC04 Professional Resources Day Workshop 15 - Spiritual Awakening: Ericksonian Response to Human Evil - Michele Ritterman, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Family Therapy |  Social Issues |  Psychopharmacology |  Meditation, Spirituality and Yoga |  Therapist Development |  Ericksonian Hypnosis and Therapy Techniques
Erickson Congress 2004 |  Erickson Congress
Michele Ritterman
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 01, 2004
Never Expires.



This workshop addresses everything from cruelty in families, to terrorism in politics and the abuse of psychopharmacology and managed care. It offers a higher order resolution method to all levels of human conflict and a model of human dignity.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To describe two Ericksonian methods for the resolution of conflict.
  2. To describe an Ericksonian model of human dignity.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Michele Ritterman's Profile

Michele Ritterman Related Seminars and Products

Michele Ritterman, PhD, is recognized as the Mother of the integration of hypnosis and family therapy, in her classic text: Using Hypnosis in Family Therapy (1982). One of Erickson’s leading students, she originated the concept of the symptom as a trance state that is suggested by people and social structures. From this basic concept that Erickson himself admired, she framed therapy as the production of COUNTER-INDUCTIONS, hypnotic SEQUENCES that impact the symptom trance. Her latest book The Tao of a Woman (2009) is a tool for us to carry with us to move from the symptom trance to the healing stance. Her book in progress is From Trance to Stance.

In 1991, Dr. Ritterman wrote the groundbreaking "Hope Under Siege: Terror and Family Support in Chile", which brought understandings of contextual/systemic trance inductions and trauma to the arena, long before the diagnosis of PTSD existed. 
