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Fundamentals of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Vol. II

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Topic Areas:
Hypnotherapy |  Fundamentals of Hypnosis |  Hypnosis
Fundamentals of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
Brent Geary, PhD |  Stephen Gilligan, PhD |  Stephen Lankton, MSW |  Ernest Rossi, PhD |  Dan Short, PhD |  Michael Yapko, PhD |  Lilian Borges, MA, LPC |  Jeffrey Zeig, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
14 hours
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2007
Never Expires.


  1. The Observation-Suggestion
    Combination with Brent B. Geary, Ph.D
  2. The Use of the Therapist’s Self in
    Hypnotherapy with Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D
  3. The Development and Use of Self-Image
    Thinking in Therapy
    with Stephen Lankton, M.S.W., DAHB
  4. Brief Bioinformatic Approaches to
    Therapeutic Hypnosis Ernest Rossi, Ph.D
  5. The Fundamentals of Permissive
    Suggestion with Dan Short, Ph.D
  6. Accessing and Contextualizing
    Resources Hypnosis Michael Yapko, Ph.D
  7. Utilization
    with Lilian Borges Zeig, MA
  8. The Phenomenology of Induction
    with Jeffrey Zeig, Ph.D.



Brent Geary, PhD's Profile

Brent Geary, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Brent B. Geary, Ph.D. is a psychologist in private practice in Phoenix, Arizona. Since 1988, he has also been the Director of Training for the Milton H. Erickson Foundation. Dr. Geary has presented internationally on Ericksonian topics since 1991 and throughout most of the United States. He is coeditor of two books with Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph,D., The Handbook of Ericksonian Psychotherapy and The Letters of Milton H. Erickson.

Stephen Gilligan, PhD's Profile

Stephen Gilligan, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Stephen Gilligan Ph.D., is a Psychologist in Encinitas, CA. He was one of the original NLP students at UC Santa Cruz; Milton Erickson and Gregory Bateson were his mentors. After receiving his psychology doctorate from Stanford University, he became one of the premier teachers and practitioners of Ericksonian hypnotherapy. This work unfolded into his original approaches of Self-Relations and Generative Self, and then further (in collaboration with Robert Dilts) into Generative Coaching. These different traditions have all been updated and integrated into the present Generative Change Work, which includes the applications of Generative Coaching, Generative Psychotherapy, Generative Trance, Hero’s Journey, and Systemic Change work.

Stephen Lankton, MSW's Profile

Stephen Lankton, MSW Related Seminars and Products

Stephen R. Lankton, MSW, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to his extensive training in Gestalt Therapy, and Transactional Analysis, he studied regularly with Milton H. Erickson, M. D. from July 1975 through December 1979. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (since 2005) and a Life-Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). He has maintained a private psychotherapy practice and trained therapists worldwide for five decades.

He is a Diplomate in Clinical Hypnosis, an Emeritus Clinical Member of the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA), and Past-President of the American Hypnosis Board for Clinical Social Work. He is on the teaching faculty of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation.

Steve has received two Lifetime Achievement Awards: the “Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Psychotherapy” from the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, and the “Lifetime Achievement Award for Contributions to The Field of Hypnosis” from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

He served as Faculty Associate at Arizona State University (ASU) 2004-2008 and the ASU Graduate School of Social Work 2011- 2018 and was appointed by the Governor to the Arizona Board of Behavior Health Examiners where he served from 2009-2016 and was the Board Chairperson from 2014 to 2016.

He authored, co-authored, or edited 20 books on psychotherapy and hypnosis with translations in seven languages and over 68 chapters and peer reviewed articles including The Answer Within, and Tools of Intention and the recent “Chapter 8: States of Consciousness Model and Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis” in the Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis.

Ernest Rossi, PhD's Profile

Ernest Rossi, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Ernest L. Rossi, PhD, is an internationally renowned therapist, teacher and pioneer in the psychobiology of mind-body healing. The author of more than 24 professional books, Dr. Rossi worked with Milton Erickson for eight years and co-authored three classic volumes on therapeutic hypnosis with him. Rossi has also edited four volumes of Erickson's Collected Papers and four volumes of Erickson's Seminars, Workshops and Lectures. He has been conducting research in the psychosocial genomics of ultradian rhythms and their relation to mind-body healing and psychotherapy for over three decades.

Dan Short, PhD's Profile

Dan Short, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Dan Short, Ph.D, is internationally recognized for his work in Ericksonian hypnosis and short-term therapy. He devotes most of his time to a private practice in Scottsdale, AZ, while also writing and teaching to professional audiences around the globe. His training is diverse, having graduated with a Masters in Counseling from the University of North Texas in 1993, a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; followed by an internship at an APA accredited program in Houston Texas.

Michael Yapko, PhD's Profile

Michael Yapko, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D. (professional psychology, clinical specialization), is internationally recognized for his innovative work in applied clinical hypnosis, developing brief psychotherapies, and the strategic treatment of depression. He has been invited to present his work in more than 30 countries across six continents. He is the author of 15 books, including his most recent, The Discriminating Therapist. He is a recipient of numerous awards for his many contributions to the field, including the Milton H. Erickson Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award.

Lilian Borges, MA, LPC's Profile

Lilian Borges, MA, LPC Related Seminars and Products

The Milton Erickson Foundation

Lilian Borges, MA, LPC, is a licensed professional counselor with more than 18 years of experience doing and teaching psychotherapy, Ericksonian hypnosis and brief therapy. She is an invited teacher at the Milton Erickson Foundation for their extensive hypnosis training programs. Lilian has been conducting seminars in the United States and internationally about couples therapy, and Ericksonian therapy.

Jeffrey Zeig, PhD's Profile

Jeffrey Zeig, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD, is the Founder and Director of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation and is president of Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Inc., publishers in the behavioral sciences. He has edited, co-edited, authored or coauthored more than 20 books on psychotherapy that appear in twelve foreign languages. Dr. Zeig is a psychologist and marriage and family therapist in private practice in Phoenix, Arizona. 
