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EP95 WS05 - Women As Survivors: Feminist Therapy Techniques - Lenore Walker, EdD

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Femininity |  Sex and Sexuality |  Gender |  Abuse |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
Lenore Walker, EdD
2 Hours 08 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 13, 1995
Never Expires.



Presentation of the principles of feminist therapy as utilized with women who have been battered, sexually abused as children or adults. Such techniques also can be used to treat sexual misconduct by therapists and sexual harassment, including dealing with issues such as dissociation, obsessions and cognitive distortions.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To list the principles of feminist therapy as used with abused women survivors.
  2. To identify three strategies to use in dealing with dissociation, obsessions and cognitive distortions of survivors. 

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Lenore Walker, EdD's Profile

Lenore Walker, EdD Related Seminars and Products

Lenore Edna Walker, Ed.D., is an American psychologist who founded the Domestic Violence Institute, documented the Cycle of abuse and wrote The Battered Woman, for which she won the Distinguished Media Award in 1979. She was inducted into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame in 1987. She lived and worked in Denver, Colorado, where she was a licensed psychologist, was a leader in the field of domestic violence, and was president and chief executive officer of Walker & Associates. To research family violence, Walker founded the Domestic Violence Institute.

She has testified as an expert witness in trials involving domestic abuse and had developed domestic violence training programs and drafted legislative reform. Walker interviewed 1,500 women who had been subject to domestic violence and found that there was a similar pattern of abuse, called the "cycle of abuse". She wrote the book The Battered Woman for which she won the Distinguished Media Award the same year.
