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EP95 Workshop 09 - Disorders of the Self: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies - James Masterson, MD

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Psychotherapy |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
James F. Masterson, MD
2 Hours 35 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 13, 1995
Never Expires.



The development of the capacities of the healthy real self is described along with the impairments in these capacities that ensue in the Disorders of the Self. A diagnostic system based on the Disorders of the Self is presented, its conceptual basis is explained, and it is compared with DSM IV. A central triadic psychodynamic theme of these disorders, i.e., self-activation leads to depression which leads to defense, is described.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To diagnose the personality disorders as Disorders of the Self and to use the intrapsychic structure to differentiate between the disorders and to choose the appropriate therapeutic intervention.
  2. To identify the central psychodynamic triadic theme of the Disorders of the Self, i.e., self-activation leads to anxiety and depression which leads to defense. 

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



James F. Masterson, MD's Profile

James F. Masterson, MD Related Seminars and Products

James F. Masterson (M.D., Jefferson Medical School, 1951) was Director of the Masterson Group, P.C., which specializes in the treatment of adolescent and adult character disorders. Additionally, he was Director of the Masterson Institute (formerly Character Disorder Foundation); attending psychiatrist at New York Hospital, Payne Whitney Clinic; and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Cornell University Medical College. Masterson has authored seven books and edited two volumes, mostly on the topic of psychoanalytic approaches to character disoreders and adolescents. His seminal work on the borderline personality has made him one of the most influential and studied practitioners of modern psychoanalytic methods.
