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EP95 Panel 18 - Therapeutic Neutrality or Social Commitment? - Mary Goulding, MSW; James Hillman, PhD; James Masterson, MD; and Salvador Minuchin, MD

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Topic Areas:
Topical Panels |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1995
Mary Goulding, MSW |  James Hillman, PhD |  James F. Masterson, MD |  Salvador Minuchin, MD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 16, 1995
Never Expires.




Educational Objectives:

  1. To compare and contrast clinical and philosophical perspectives of experts.  

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Mary Goulding, MSW's Profile

Mary Goulding, MSW Related Seminars and Products

Mary Goulding, MSW, is one of the leading exponents of Transactional Analysis. Along with her husband Robert Goulding, she developed an approach called Redecision therapy which synthesizes Transactional Analysis and Gestalt. Together they founded the Western Institute for Group and Family Therapy in Watsonville, California, and co-authored two professional books about their approach. There is also an edited volume about the Redecision model. Mary has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Transactional Analysis Association and is a Teaching Member of that organization. Her M.S.W. was granted in 1960 from the School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley.

James Hillman, PhD's Profile

James Hillman, PhD Related Seminars and Products

James Hillman, PhD, who received his Ph.D. degree from the Univeristy of Zurich, has served as honorary secretary of the International Association for Analytical Psychology and for 10 years was Director of Studies at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich. He has written 12 books and was nomiated for a Pulitzer prize.

James F. Masterson, MD's Profile

James F. Masterson, MD Related Seminars and Products

James F. Masterson (M.D., Jefferson Medical School, 1951) was Director of the Masterson Group, P.C., which specializes in the treatment of adolescent and adult character disorders. Additionally, he was Director of the Masterson Institute (formerly Character Disorder Foundation); attending psychiatrist at New York Hospital, Payne Whitney Clinic; and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Cornell University Medical College. Masterson has authored seven books and edited two volumes, mostly on the topic of psychoanalytic approaches to character disoreders and adolescents. His seminal work on the borderline personality has made him one of the most influential and studied practitioners of modern psychoanalytic methods.

Salvador Minuchin, MD's Profile

Salvador Minuchin, MD Related Seminars and Products

Salvador Minuchin, MD, developed Structural Family Therapy, which addresses problems within a family by charting the relationships between family members, or between subsets of family. He was Director of the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic. Although it was minimally staffed when he began, under his tutelage the Clinic grew to become one of the most modeled and respected child guidance facilities in the world.  In 1981, Minuchin began his own family therapy center in New York. After his retirement in 1996, the center was renamed the Minuchin Center. Dr. Minuchin is the author of many notable books, including many classics. His latest is Mastering Family Therapy: Journeys of Growth and Transformation. In 2007, a survey of 2,600 practitioners named Minuchin as one of the ten most influential therapists of the past quarter-century.
