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EP85 Workshop 20 - Hypnotherapeutic Approaches for the Non-Hypnotherapist - Ernest L. Rossi, PhD

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Workshops |  Binds |  Hypnosis |  Psychotherapy |  Resources |  Hypnotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 1985
Ernest Rossi, PhD
2 Hours 10 Minutes
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 13, 1985
Never Expires.



Hypnosis continues as the "mother of the psychotherapies" by contributing new approaches to human facilitation. Specifically, we will learn to use the therapeutic double bind, symptom prescription, and ideodynamic channeling to assess and facilitate a patient's inner resources.

Educational Objectives:

  1. To assess, utilize, and facilitate a patient's inner resources for coping with any problem
  2. To use three indirect approaches to human facilitation: Therapeutic double bind, symptom prescription and ideodynamic channeling 

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Ernest Rossi, PhD's Profile

Ernest Rossi, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Ernest L. Rossi, PhD, is an internationally renowned therapist, teacher and pioneer in the psychobiology of mind-body healing. The author of more than 24 professional books, Dr. Rossi worked with Milton Erickson for eight years and co-authored three classic volumes on therapeutic hypnosis with him. Rossi has also edited four volumes of Erickson's Collected Papers and four volumes of Erickson's Seminars, Workshops and Lectures. He has been conducting research in the psychosocial genomics of ultradian rhythms and their relation to mind-body healing and psychotherapy for over three decades.
