Tags: Psychotherapy Carl Whitaker Adaptive Learning Challenge Emotional Growth Experiential Therapy Expressive Communication Flexibility Metaphor Therapy Naturalistic Change Observation Phenomenological Approach Problem-Solving Therapy Reframing Schizophrenia Self-Discovery Storytelling Strategic Interventions Therapeutic Alliance Validation
Educational Objectives:
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
Background and Early Life
Perceived Schizophrenia and Early Therapy
Concepts of Doing vs. Being and Individuation
Family Systems and Therapy
Hearing Voices and Schizophrenia
Therapeutic Goals and Family Dynamics
Divorce, Marriage, and Family Structure
Courage and Therapy
Multiple Personalities and Pathology
Carl Whitaker, MD, was an American physician and psychotherapy pioneer family therapist. Whitaker is most well-known for acknowledging the role of the entire family in the therapeutic process. He is the founder of experiential family therapy, or the symbolic-experiential approach to therapy. Rather than scapegoating one family member or even a specific family problem, experiential family therapy looks at the entire family system. Several other approaches to family therapy have drawn heavily from Whitaker's theories.