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EP20 Speech 04 - It's Time to Invite the "Crazy Cousin" to the Family Picnic: Why Every Therapist Should Know Much More About the Hypnosis They're Already (Sort of) Doing - Michael Yapko, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Hypnosis |  Speeches |  Research
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020
Michael Yapko, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
1 hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 12, 2020
Never Expires.



The field of hypnosis has moved to the forefront of objective research in striving to understand the many dimensions of subjective experience. High quality neuroscientific evidence for changes in the way the brain and mind interact offer compelling evidence that there is much more to hypnosis than meets the eye.

The old “hocus-pocus” days are long, long gone and thinking of hypnosis as the “crazy cousin” that nobody wants at the family picnic is simply a misinformed and obsolete perspective. Modern hypnosis focuses on attentional processes and how they relate to cognition, mood and behavior. The reasons why are obvious: What you focus on shapes your responses and quality of life. Hypnosis can be thought of as a means of helping people re-direct attention to that which will help them achieve their aims. The field of clinical hypnosis is broad, deep and fascinating, and most impressive of all is the capacity of hypnosis to empower people, as the studies of therapeutic efficacy clearly show. In this address I will share some insights about hypnosis and the merits of integrating its many uses into clinical practice as well as personal growth.


Educational Objectives:

  1. Describe research findings that advance our understandings of the clinical relevance of hypnosis
  2. Describe the merits of hypnosis in catalyzing therapeutic goals
  3. Demonstrate the use of hypnosis as a means of empowering clients

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Michael Yapko, PhD's Profile

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Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D. (professional psychology, clinical specialization), is internationally recognized for his innovative work in applied clinical hypnosis, developing brief psychotherapies, and the strategic treatment of depression. He has been invited to present his work in more than 30 countries across six continents. He is the author of 15 books, including his most recent, The Discriminating Therapist. He is a recipient of numerous awards for his many contributions to the field, including the Milton H. Erickson Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award.
