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EP17 Workshop 23 - The Satir Approach: Essence and Essentials - Maria Gomori, MSW, PhD

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Workshops |  Virginia Satir |  Family Therapy |  Psychotherapy
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Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2017
Maria Gomori, MSW, PhD
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Original Program Date:
Dec 16, 2017
Never Expires.



The Satir Model is focused on the whole human being, bringing about transformational change within the individual, family and social systems. The therapeutic process is experiential, systemic, positively directional, and change oriented. We are all part of a universal system: the Life Force that provides energy for growth. A model for growth, focused on potential, and challenging the awareness of human beings on the expression of Self and the crucial need to value self and to feel validated, Self-Esteem is the cornerstone of Satir work. Changing consciousness from competition to empowering, from self-pity to congruence. The process requires the therapist have a high level of therapeutic competence, demonstrate congruence, and provide safety and guidance. I will demonstrate, and we will practice, "The Iceberg," one of Satir’s vehicles for change, a powerful process of internal transformation.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate and practice a change process.
  2. Demonstrate learning of how I use this process with individuals, couples, families and myself.
  3. Discuss the concept of self-validation.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Maria Gomori, MSW, PhD's Profile

Maria Gomori, MSW, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Maria Gomori, MSW, PhD is an international workshop leader with a unique way of creatively integrating her own life wisdom with that of Satir and other great teachers. She has conducted workshops throughout Canada, the United States, Europe, South America, and Asia, teaching, demonstrating and applying her interpretation of the Satir model. Expanding the teaching, she developed a group of teachers in Taiwan and in China. Friend and colleague of Virginia Satir for 20 years, Maria dedicated her work in the last 30 years for sharing her learnings. Founder of The Manitoba Satir Institute and co-Founder of the Hong Kong Satir Institute. Faculty at The Aurora Family Therapy Institute at The University of Winnipeg, Faculty Emeritus at The Haven Institute, B.C. Canada. She is a Clinical Member and a retired Approved Supervisor with the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. She has published numerous books and articles and received many awards in Canada and in the USA. As an Assistant Professor at the Medical Faculty of the University of Manitoba she established a family therapy teaching program at a teaching hospital. Her books include Satir based workshops building on the work of Satir and adding her own learnings and her unique perspective and style.
