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EP17 Clinical Demonstration with Discussant 08 - Placing the Burden of Effective Psychotherapy on the Patient - Ernest Rossi, PhD, Kathryn Rossi, PhD and Jean Houston, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Clinical Demonstrations with Discussant |  Psychotherapy |  Hypnosis |  Therapist Development
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2017 |  Evolution of Psychotherapy Erickson Learning Track
Ernest Rossi, PhD |  Kathryn Rossi, PhD |  Jean Houston, PhD
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Never expires.



In a 1964/2008 paper MHE documented how "hypnosis was used for the specific purpose of placing the burden of responsibility for therapeutic results upon the patient himself after he reached a definite conclusion that therapy would not help and that a last resort would be a hypnotic 'miracle'.” I will first demonstrate how to gently shift this "burden of responsibility for therapeutic results" in a brief, easy-to-learn group process with the entire audience. Time permitting, anyone who feels they have failed during this group process may volunteer for a therapeutic experience with me in front of the entire audience.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Describe how to "Shift the Responsibility for Effective Psychotherapy Onto the Client.
  2. List the 4-Stage Creative Cycle for "Shifting the Responsibility for Therapy" Onto the Client. 

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Ernest Rossi, PhD's Profile

Ernest Rossi, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Ernest L. Rossi, PhD, is an internationally renowned therapist, teacher and pioneer in the psychobiology of mind-body healing. The author of more than 24 professional books, Dr. Rossi worked with Milton Erickson for eight years and co-authored three classic volumes on therapeutic hypnosis with him. Rossi has also edited four volumes of Erickson's Collected Papers and four volumes of Erickson's Seminars, Workshops and Lectures. He has been conducting research in the psychosocial genomics of ultradian rhythms and their relation to mind-body healing and psychotherapy for over three decades.

Kathryn Rossi, PhD's Profile

Kathryn Rossi, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Kathryn Rossi, Ph.D, is a licensed psychologist and certified yoga instructor (RYT 500). She recently co-edited the 16-volume Collected Works of Milton H. Erickson. She and Ernest Rossi are in private practice in Los Osos, Calif.

Jean Houston, PhD's Profile

Jean Houston, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Jean Houston, Ph.D in Psychology, is the author of over 30 books in the fields of human and social development. As a consultant to UN programs and other international agencies she has worked in some 109 countries, and continues to advise globally in social artistry (human development in the light of social challenge and change). Jean is also Chancellor of Meridian University, Co-Founder of Rising Women, Rising World.
