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BT18 Topical Interaction 12 - Liberatory Models of Psychotherapy Supervision - Laura Brown, PhD, ABPP

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Topic Areas:
Topical Interactions |  Psychotherapy |  Femininity |  Supervision
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2018
Laura Brown, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 08, 2018
Never Expires.



There is a dynamic tension between the necessarily hierarchical structure of psychotherapy supervision and the liberatory/egalitarian models of feminist and other liberatory practices. This will be a chance for psychotherapy supervisors who are struggling with this dilemma to discuss this topic with the author of the feminist model of psychotherapy supervision.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Describe the tensions inherent in attempting to generate liberatory/egalitarian supervisory relationship.
  2. Identify supervisee presentations that are most challenging for liberatory supevision models.
  3. Describe how a liberatory supervision model would deal with remediation issues in a supervisee. 

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Laura Brown, PhD's Profile

Laura Brown, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Laura S Brown holds a PhD and Diplomate in Clinical Psychology. She has been in independent practice as a clinical and forensic psychology since 1979, and is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington. Her work has focused on trauma, feminist practice, and cultural competence. Her most recent books include Not the price of admission: Healthy relationships after childhood trauma, and The feminist model of psychotherapy supervision, which has a companion DVD. Dr. Brown’s many awards include the lifetime achievement award of the APA Division of Trauma Psychology. She holds the rank of Shodan in Aikido, earned at age 64.
