Tags: Hypnosis
We all want solution and we want them to last. Experience and learning are predictably useful ways of solutions to become permanent. Hypnosis is a wonderful way of generating experiences and after Erickson, of facilitating learning. In this practical workshop we will explore tailoring our hypnotic conversation to fit the unique individuality of each client, they are naturally more willing to connect with more of their innate resources, and learn in their own unique way.
Educational Objectives:
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
Robert McNeilly, MD, was in a suburban Melbourne general medical practice for 10 years when he was inspired by Milton Erickson’s human approach to therapy. He founded the CET in 1988 to introduce Ericksonian Hypnosis and the Solution Oriented Approach to hypnosis, counseling and coaching in Australia. He is co-author, with Jenny Brown, of Healing With Words, and author of Healing the Whole Person. Crown House published a series of DVD demonstrations of counseling and hypnosis.