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BT12 Short Course 16 – Systemic Family Constellations: A Broken Heart Can Heal…Sometimes in One Beat – Dan Booth Cohen, PhD, MBA

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Topic Areas:
Family Therapy |  Trauma |  Short Courses |  Family Constellations
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2012
Dan Booth Cohen, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 05, 2012
Never Expires.

Tags: Trauma



This process identifies and releases transgenerational trauma. This simple process consistently uncovers connections between present day issues and transgenerational traumas. Within a single session, the burden of memory is transformed into an enduring source of strength and healing.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Explain the reasons why SFC is the fastest growing form of therapeutic intervention in Europe.
  2. Describe how new insights in transgenerational systemic family can augment and support individual psychotherapy.

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Dan Booth Cohen, PhD's Profile

Dan Booth Cohen, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Dan Booth Cohen, PhD is an internationally known psychologist, trainer, author and facilitator. He specializes in caring for wounds in deep personal spaces by helping individuals and groups to understand and dissolve their inner disturbances. His practice model incorporates the three Dimensions of Consciousness to actively release the legacy of historic trauma, often bringing in archetypes and mythic characters to stand with members of the family system. Using intelligence, heart, intuition, and humor, Dan offers clients profound and transformative healing while expanding understanding and restoring peace of mind.
