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BT10 Workshop 30 - Achieving Clinical Excellence: Empirical Lessons from the Field’s Most Effective Practitioners - Scott Miller, PhD

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Topic Areas:
Workshops |  Therapist Development
Brief Therapy Conference |  Brief Therapy Conference 2010
Scott Miller, PhD
Audio Only
Original Program Date:
Dec 10, 2010
Never Expires.



Thanks to a number of recent studies, there is now solid empirical evidence for what distinguishes highly effective from average therapists. In this workshop, participants will learn three specific strategies that separate the great from the good. Participants will also learn a simple method for measuring success rates that can be used to develop a profile of their most and least effective moments in therapy—what works and what doesn’t. Not only will attendees get a far more exact idea of their clinical strengths and weaknesses and how to use the findings to improve their own practice, but they will also come away with concrete tools that will immediately boost clinical abilities and effectiveness.

Educational Objectives:

  1. Describe three specific practices employed by highly effective therapists.
  2. Identify cases at risk for dropping out of treatment or experiencing a negative or null outcome.
  3. Identify and improve areas of weakness in their clinical work.  

*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*



Scott Miller, PhD's Profile

Scott Miller, PhD Related Seminars and Products

Scott D. Miller, Ph.D., is the founder of the International Center for Clinical Excellence an international consortium of clinicians, researchers, and educators dedicated to promoting excellence in behavioral health services. Dr. Miller conducts workshops and training in the United States and abroad, helping hundreds of agencies and organizations, both public and private, to achieve superior results.
