Psychotherapy practice, as we know it today, was born in World War II. Dr. Cummings was there, working with paratroopers in combat, and he has been a psychotherapist and mental health activist in the 60 years since. He wrote the first prepaid psychotherapy insurance benefit in the late 1950s and demonstrated that psychotherapy should be part of all health insurance. He has been in the forefront as an active participant in psychotherapy's achievements, setbacks and hopes for the future. This address will highlight the 60 years of psychotherapy's evolution through the life of one of its leaders.
Educational Objectives:
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Distinguished Professor, University of Nevada, Reno. President of the Cummings Foundation for Behavioral Health, Inc. Former president of the American Psychological Association and recipient of psychology's highest award, the Gold Medal for Lifetime Contributions to Practice. Dr. Cummings has founded over 20 organizations, including the California School of Professional Psychology, the National Academies of Practice, and the former American Biodyne, which remains America's only clinically driven behavioral health system. He is autlilor or editor of 38 books and over 400 referenced journal articles.