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ALBERT BANDURA, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology, Stanford University. He has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science. Dr. Bandura is a proponent of Self-Efficacy Theory. This theory and its diverse applications are presented in his recently published book, Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control.
Bandura has been responsible for contributions to the field of education and to several fields of psychology, including social cognitive theory, therapy, and personality psychology, and was also of incluence in the transition between behaviorism and cognitive psychology. He is known as the originator of social learning theory (renamed the social cognitive theory) and the theoretical construct of self-efficacy, and is also responsible for the influential 1961 Bobo doll experiment. This Bobo doll experiment demonstrated the concept of observational learning.
Distinguished Professor, University of Nevada, Reno. President of the Cummings Foundation for Behavioral Health, Inc. Former president of the American Psychological Association and recipient of psychology's highest award, the Gold Medal for Lifetime Contributions to Practice. Dr. Cummings has founded over 20 organizations, including the California School of Professional Psychology, the National Academies of Practice, and the former American Biodyne, which remains America's only clinically driven behavioral health system. He is autlilor or editor of 38 books and over 400 referenced journal articles.
Otto Kernberg, MD, is a psychoanalyst and professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College. He is most widely known for his psychoanalytic theories on borderline personality organization and narcissistic pathology. Director of the Personality Disorders Institute at the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Westchester Division, and Professor of Psychiatry at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Dr. Kernberg is a Past-President of the International Psychoanalytic Association. He is also Training and Supervising Analyst of the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. Dr. Kernberg is the author of twelve books and co-author of twelve others. His most recent books are Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality: Focusing on Object Relations and Handbook of Dynamic Psychotherapy for Higher Level Personality Pathology.