The process of working with erotic transference and countertransference is often avoided in clinical practice and in the training of psychotherapists. As therapists we must recognize and address that erotic transference and countertransference are significant pathways, albeit uncomfortable topics steeped in fear and defensiveness, toward greater vulnerability, healing, and the potential for growth within the clients we treat and the clinicians we long to be. This keynote discussion will begin a conversation on the process of removing fear from topics traditionally avoided within the realm of normative psychotherapy practice and parameters for their exploration within a boundaried and ethical framework will be provided.
Learning Objectives:
1. Expand the conceptualization & definition of erotic transference & countertransference within psychotherapy practice & the process of clinical supervision.
2. Understand how the avoidance of erotic transference and countertransference within the field of psychotherapy undermines the process of therapy and may add contribute to boundary violations within relational psychotherapy.
3. Explore how working with erotic transference and countertransference in clinical practice & supervision can deepen the therapeutic relationship and humanize the complexity of being a relational psychotherapist.
I graduated from Boston University in 1995 with a Masters Degree in Social Work and a specialization in group psychotherapy. While studying at Boston University, my field placements focused on family therapy, adult mental health, substance abuse and dependency, community mental health and people diagnosed with HIV and AIDS.
My undergraduate degree was completed in 1993 through The University of Massachusetts Boston. While enrolled at U-Mass Boston, I worked full time with homeless men, women and families struggling with chronic mental illness, substance dependency, and domestic violence. I was employed at McLean Hospital for several years where I worked primarily in an adolescent residential program and several other programs including the psychotic disorders residential unit.