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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
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The process of working with erotic transference and countertransference is often avoided in clinical practice and in the training of psychotherapists. As therapists we must recognize and address that erotic transference and countertransference are significant pathways, albeit uncomfortable topics steeped in fear and defensiveness, toward greater vulnerability, healing, and the potential for growth within the clients we treat and the clinicians we long to be. This keynote discussion will begin a conversation on the process of removing fear from topics traditionally avoided within the realm of normative psychotherapy practice and parameters for their exploration within a boundaried and ethical framework will be provided.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Many therapists dedicate much therapy time helping betrayed partners heal deep emotional wounds in the wake of an affair. Therapy is often lopsided in a victim–perpetrator model, dealing with the injury of the betrayal. Less attention is typically paid to helping the partners who had the affair, one-night stand, or online infidelity, especially regarding why and how it happened. This workshop will give you a more nuanced understanding of the motivations for the infidelity and present practical interventions around the underlying meaning of the cheating and what it means about the relationship.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Audio Only
Short Description:
Many therapists dedicate much therapy time helping betrayed partners heal deep emotional wounds in the wake of an affair. Therapy is often lopsided in a victim–perpetrator model, dealing with the injury of the betrayal. Less attention is typically paid to helping the partners who had the affair, one-night stand, or online infidelity, especially regarding why and how it happened. This workshop will give you a more nuanced understanding of the motivations for the infidelity and present practical interventions around the underlying meaning of the cheating and what it means about the relationship.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Most clinical conversations about couple relationship problems occur in individual therapy, not couples therapy. But individual therapy models offer little guidance for how to address relationship problems. The result is that therapists sometimes collude with their client’s view of the partner and offer one-sided narratives of complex relational problems. This doesn’t help the client and can undermine the relationship. Even couples therapists sometimes make the same mistakes when doing individual therapy. This workshop will provide specific tools and guidelines for helping individual clients in the context of their relationship, while avoiding common traps when we are seeing just one member of a couple.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Audio Only
Short Description:
Most clinical conversations about couple relationship problems occur in individual therapy, not couples therapy. But individual therapy models offer little guidance for how to address relationship problems. The result is that therapists sometimes collude with their client’s view of the partner and offer one-sided narratives of complex relational problems. This doesn’t help the client and can undermine the relationship. Even couples therapists sometimes make the same mistakes when doing individual therapy. This workshop will provide specific tools and guidelines for helping individual clients in the context of their relationship, while avoiding common traps when we are seeing just one member of a couple.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Developmental Model, or DM, is a sophisticated orientation to understanding intimate partner relationships. Organizing relational processes through the lenses of attachment theory, developmental and neuropsychology, and family systems theory the DM maintains a nonpsychopathologizing perspective while fostering interconnection through the process of differentiation. However, The DM, like many models of relational therapy, was not designed to explore the complexities and lived experiences of those with multiple intersecting identities or queer identity formation as areas of consideration and exploration in clinical practice.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Audio Only
Short Description:
The Developmental Model, or DM, is a sophisticated orientation to understanding intimate partner relationships. Organizing relational processes through the lenses of attachment theory, developmental and neuropsychology, and family systems theory the DM maintains a nonpsychopathologizing perspective while fostering interconnection through the process of differentiation. However, The DM, like many models of relational therapy, was not designed to explore the complexities and lived experiences of those with multiple intersecting identities or queer identity formation as areas of consideration and exploration in clinical practice.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
For this course, we will first begin by discussing common and unique issues in working with interracial couples. We will then review what “modern isms” are and how they are enacted from one’s historically included identities. After introducing the foundational knowledge and constructs, we will consider options for addressing and naming “modern isms” and that occur within the context of the therapy room between diverse couples and between one or both members of the couple and the therapist. The instructor will share several clinical examples and discuss how she addressed the modern isms in session.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Audio Only
Short Description:
For this course, we will first begin by discussing common and unique issues in working with interracial couples. We will then review what “modern isms” are and how they are enacted from one’s historically included identities. After introducing the foundational knowledge and constructs, we will consider options for addressing and naming “modern isms” and that occur within the context of the therapy room between diverse couples and between one or both members of the couple and the therapist. The instructor will share several clinical examples and discuss how she addressed the modern isms in session.

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Topic Areas:
Couples Conference 2022
Couples Conference |  Couples Conference 2022
Course Levels:
Master Degree or Higher in Health-Related Field
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Solution Focused Approach is known for being a questions based way of working with clients, thus the key to mastering this approach lays within developing the ability to ask questions that lead toward change. This is an even more crucial skill when working with couples due to the fact that there is more than one person present in the session. This presentation will clearly show how to ask the kinds of questions that evoke love and happiness in a couple's lives.

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