Salvador Minuchin, MD

Salvador Minuchin, MD, developed Structural Family Therapy, which addresses problems within a family by charting the relationships between family members, or between subsets of family. He was Director of the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic. Although it was minimally staffed when he began, under his tutelage the Clinic grew to become one of the most modeled and respected child guidance facilities in the world.  In 1981, Minuchin began his own family therapy center in New York. After his retirement in 1996, the center was renamed the Minuchin Center. Dr. Minuchin is the author of many notable books, including many classics. His latest is Mastering Family Therapy: Journeys of Growth and Transformation. In 2007, a survey of 2,600 practitioners named Minuchin as one of the ten most influential therapists of the past quarter-century.

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EP13 Invited Keynote 03 - How to Produce Change - Salvador Minuchin, MD

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Keynotes |  Family Therapy |  Therapist Development |  Psychotherapy
Evolution of Psychotherapy |  Evolution of Psychotherapy 2013
Salvador Minuchin, MD
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Dec 12, 2013
Short Description:
Dr. Minuchin will show segments from a first session he conducted with a family, highlighting the concepts that underlie the techniques; the ways that he, as the therapist, assess his interventions; a...
$29.00 - Sale Base Price - $59.00

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