Our healing art begins within our hearts and imagination. Artful solutions leap beyond straight-line logical thinking. Ideating, from architectural design, is a structured process that responsibly generates solutions, artfully aspiring to heal mind, body and spirit. This creative playground offers "imagination igniting" skills. The stages of ideating will be taught.
This workshop reveals the psychological secrets of success of elite athletes and performing artists and makes them available to therapists working with clients wishing to bust slumps or achieve excellence in any aspect of their lives - work, play, romance. Learn the psychological tactics of Lance Armstrong, Willie Mays, John McEnroe, Ali, EMINEM and Dumbo and then learn how to put them to work for your client using hypnotic, solution-focused, strategic protocols.
The experience of feeling "stuck" is a common hazard of our profession and leaves therapists searching for creative solutions. Clinical creativity is never a solo process but always interactive, inseparable from the imagination and creativity of the clients. It is easy for therapists to get bogged down in literal definitions of problems that go counter to clients' idiosyncratic logic. This workshop will explore different ways of breaking through impasses by looking "outside the box" and changing the frame of reference from the literal to the world of personal meaning. Video tapes will demonstrate the use of metaphors, rituals, fantasies, writing and paradox in making a creative leap.
Despite all the earnest efforts of researchers, therapy remains at least as much an art as a science. Seasoned practitioners know that when the therapeutic process becomes too cautious and mechanical, drained of risk and creativity, clinical effectiveness suffers. But how do we avoid being paralyzed by our clients' chronic difficulties and resistant clients? How can we step outside the box and bring more of our creative and playful selves to our work? This workshop will present several guidelines for developing a creative partnership with clients that taps both therapist and client inventiveness. Through the use of videotape examples and skill-building exercises, participants will discover their own signature strengths as therapists and how best to mobilize them in session. We will discover how to use humor, stories, drama and imaginative family play and art experiments to create a therapeutic climate ripe for change in your clinical practices.
An introductory presentation reviewing how our daily mental activity may turn on the activity-dependent gene expression and protein synthesis cycle to construct and reconstruct the neural networks of our mind-brain and facilitate healing of the body. We will explore innovative approaches to facilitating the four-stage creative process in therapeutic hypnosis and psychotherapy in a group process and individual demonstrations.
Participants will learn the insights that are presented in my most recent manuscript, Feeling Good about Writing (forward by Albert Ellis, PhD), which is the first book to apply the main principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy to writing blocks and the process of creative and nonfiction. We will also discuss the application to other creative endeavors and learn how to develop beliefs which empower, as opposed to defeating, creative processes.
Balancing the emotions and a transformational visualization are two visualizations that permit patients to actively work on pressing life issues during and between therapy sessions. Each visualization will finish with a musical composition by Ray Lynch that enhances the effectiveness and purpose of the visualization.
This presentation will be a discussion of existential psychotherapy and of group psychotherapy drawing especially from Yalom's new teaching novel, The Schopenhauer Cure. Dr. Yalom will discuss: the therapist/client relationship from an existential therapy perspective; the practice of existentially oriented psychotherapy using recent clinical cases; the impact of death awareness on the conduct of life; the technique of the group therapist; the selection and preparation of group patients; the relevance of philosophy for therapy; and the case for and against clinical philosophy. Dr. Yalom will sign books after his presentation in the Arena Lobby.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
Topical Panel 04 from the Evolution of Psychotherapy 2005 - Psychotherapy: Art or Science?
Featuring David parlow, PhD; Scott Miller, PhD; Erving Polster, PhD; and Daniel Siegel, MD
Moderated by Daniel Eckstein, PhD