Gay men face unique challenges regarding intimacy, communication and personal autonomy. Hiding due to being gay along with being raised male, creates a dynamic of distancing as the norm. The goal of psychotherapy is to accept and verbalize vulnerabilities in a context of safety, encourage revealing oneself for the sake of self-acceptance, and to learn how to receive nurturance from others. This workshop will define the art of how to gain connection while maintaining autonomy. There will also be an emphasis on sexuality and how specific attachment styles effects choices related to safety, security and risky sexual practices.
Attachment, trauma, sexual compulsivity, performance anxiety and community norms make gay sex tricky. Addressing this with clients is difficult too. This workshop defines sexual norms for gay men and teaches interventions and hypnosis scripts to maximize brief treatment.
Current meta-analysis by Julia Babcock shows that same-sex group treatment for domestic violence is ineffective. Couples treatment is illegal in many states. We will present the results (and methods) for treating only situational (not characterological) domestic violence that shows high effectiveness with lasting effects after 18 months. Treatment utilizes Gottman-method curriculum with 21 sessions of couples group work.
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Successful brief psychotherapeutic work with gay men includes the use of clinical hypnoses as well as an accepting compassionate stance of the psychotherapist. Ego-state work and positive self-representations create healing from years of internalized shame. Specific psychosocial issues for gay men, core issues common in the gay male community, customized hypnoses scripts, and effective short-term treatment strategies will be discussed.
Successful brief psychotherapeutic work with gay men includes the use of clinical hypnoses as well as an accepting compassionate stance of the psychotherapist. Ego state work and positive self-representations create healing from years of internalized sham. Specific psychosocial issues for game men, core issues common in the gay male community, customized hypnosis scripts, and effective short-term treatment strategies will be discussed.
This presentation explores the biology and developmental psychology of love, sex, sexual orientation, commitment and marriage. Focus is on research and clinical applications.
The story of sex in committed modern couples is one that often tells of a dwindling desire that includes a long list of sexual alibis, claiming to explain the inescapable death of Eros. The absence of fantasy, the proliferation of pornography and affairs, as well as a lack of understanding of the nature of erotic desire all contribute to the predicament. This workshop examines the cultural pressures that shape domesticated sex and the puzzling inverse correlation between greater emotional intimacy and the loss of sexual desire.
This presentation will cover the assessment and detection of spousal and partner abuse, as well as intervention strategies. Community resources, cultural factors and same gender abuse dynamics also will be discussed.