Latinx Immigrants in psychotherapy need to be seen from a strength versus deficit perspective. Across generational differences, there are cultural anchors from the family, spirituality and religion, interdependence, and self-determination that lead to achievements in the midst of adversity. The sociopolitical context and structural barriers to documented and undocumented immigrants need to be recognized as factors of oppression, trauma, and discrimination, yet, Latinx persons persevere for their families, and those they left behind. Because of the Latinx relational orientation, therapists can engage through respectful culture-centered, interpersonal approaches.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
The role of magick in physical and psychological healing is staging a comeback. Recently, the world’s two most populous countries have called upon folk healers, herbalists, and spiritual guides to address the pressing mental health needs of their citizenry. However the methods are believed to work—whether by the operation of spirits, the rebalancing of disharmonious energies, or other unknown powers—each approach shares a common denominator: the conviction that forces outside awareness, inaccessible to reason or direct observation, influence or even control life. Crucially, those viewed by the public as possessing the power to connect with such forces, are regarded as healers. It’s time for Western therapists to rediscover their magickal roots. This demonstration will identify and show possibilities for healing far beyond what the current and popular
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
The discovery of the quantum nature of our universe is so major an event that its profound implications cannot be overstated. Quantum theory demands a radical re-visioning of the role of Consciousness as the underlying organizing principle of the universe. Working with these concepts, both spiritual and scientific, we have enabled students to be, to do and to create in ways that are suggestive of higher levels of human accomplishment. Similarly from the quantum perspective of the simultaneity of past, present and future we are able to change the story of minor past events until it become a realistic part of one’s memory.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
In this session we will explore the wise and loving perspectives of Buddhist Psychology. These transformative teachings and practices can awaken in clients and therapists alike an inner capacity for wakefulness, joy, dignity, and compassion—Buddha-nature. Combining practical and clinical examples, teaching stories, and innate wisdom we will consider the heart of healing, love, consciousness and the nature of mind.
$29.00Base Price - $59.00 Sale is $29.00price reduced from Base Price - $59.00
We will summarize the Rossi 50+ year saga of exploring the theory, research and practice of Mind-Body Psychotherapy with live demonstrations for the entire audience as well as individual volunteers with a focus on 4 Essential keys: 1. Milton Erickson’s Minimal Cues Optimizing Therapeutic Hypnosis, 2. The 90-120 minute 4-Stage Creative Cycle, 3.The Novelty-Numinosum-Neurogenesis Effect , 4.The Basic Rest-Activity Cycle of Everyday Mind-Body Healing. Yoga activity will be experienced as appropriate through-out.
Eastern spiritual teachings tell us that “suffering” goes away when we dissolve the ego. But what is the ‘ego’ and how does one dissolve it? You’ll be introduced to a new and practical way of doing inner work that offers a precise way of dissolving the everyday sense of the ego. It can be used both to heal and resolve problems, and as a gentle personal practice. Typical results include *deep relaxation of the nervous system, *a greater capacity to deal with stress with grace and humor, *resolves sleep issues. The session will include group experience, demonstration, and practice of the first Wholeness Process.
How can we optimize classical yoga with Ericksonian mind-body work? This experiential workshop utilizes Ericksonian approaches with the entire audience as well as individual volunteers. Through story and movement we will access new dimensions of our emerging consciousness with the 4-stage creative psychosocial
genomic cycle. Open for all fitness levels.
Participants will learn powerful techniques to facilitate the integration of individual and couples therapy through meditation, guided imagery, and energy centers in the body. Beginning exploration will focus on the healing capacity found innately in the "Mind- Body Couples System" (Mind Body Systems Therapy( TM) through the use of intense affect to unify significant others through transforming fear, anger, and grief into understanding ,compassion, love, and forgiveness. The class will be both didactic and experiential.
In the same way that all the information about each person is in its DNA, the information of the Whole Universe is present in each one of its parts. I call that information our Universal Wisdom. Participants will learn to contact their Universal Wisdom and to utilize it for making their practice more efficient. Managing Chronic Pain is one of the biggest challenges for Health Professionals and their clients. Participants will learn a five steps exercise for managing Chronic Pain utilizing Universal Wisdom.
We will explore the major themes, dimensions, and conceptualizations of resiliency from communal and psycho-social perspectives. We will discuss how to mobilize resiliency within the framework of time-limited soul care and how to capitalize on the dynamic interaction among traditions, norms, values, and heritages, to further the healthy coping skills and thriving abilities. We will argue that resiliency, is not only an intrapsychic potential or individualistic strategy, but also a group resource and a collective faculty, richly stored in the community. Thus, resiliency is a clear function of culture, shared identity, and generational wisdom.