Educational Objectives:
1) To describe how to conceptualize challenging patients in a cognitive framework.
2) To describe how to use a cognitive conceptualization to plan more effective treatment.
Educational Objectives:
1) To describe how therapists can connect clients to a calm, centering inner state.
2) To describe how connection to the inner self can allow new resources and solutions to develop.
Educational Objectives:
1) To describe the group induction of therapeutic hypnosis with ideodynamic methods.
2) To list the four stages of the creative process in therapeutic hypnosis.
Educational Objectives:
1) To describe how to establish a therapeutic contract.
2) Given a client, describe how to do work important to the client in 30 minutes.
Educational Objectives:
1) To identify four attitudes that support panic.
2) To list five types of interceptive exposure that can be conducted in the treatment office.
Educational Objectives:
1) To define the three perceptual positions used with challenging relationships.
2) To describe how to guide clients to forge new understandings with significant others.
Educational Objectives:
Given a case, name and describe a gestalt technique.
To describe how to regulate the ease or difficulty of a gestalt experiment.