Topical Panel 06 on Training Psychotherapists Part 1, featuring Robert L Goulding, MD, Arnold A Lazarus, PhD, Erving Polster, PhD, and Lewis R Wolberg, MD.
Moderated by Sharon Cottor, MSW.
Topical Panel 07 on Psychotherapy and Social Issues, featuring Ronald D Laing, MD, Judd Marmor, MD, Paul Watzlawick, PhD, and Joseph Wolpe, MD.
Moderated by Aaron H Canter, PhD.
Topical Panel 08 on the Language of Human Facilitation, featuring Erving Polster, PhD, Miriam Polster, PhD, Carl R Rogers, PhD, and Ernest L Rossi, PhD.
Moderated by Aaron H Canter, PhD.
Educational Objectives:
To know how family systems therapy helps therapists to construct effective interventions
To help psychotherapists keep an open mind to science
To help psychotherapists assist patients to form clear choices in their interactions
Invited Address Session 3 - Part 2 - My Many Voices: Personal Perspectives on Family Therapy featuring Salvador Minuchin, MD.
With discussant Zerka Moreno.
Moderated by Sharon Cottor, MSW.
Educational Objectives:
To trace the development of therapeutic language from interpretation to injunctions
To show the effect that this evolution has had on the idea of "reality adaptation," highlight the "as if" nature of our interpretations
Invited Address Session 5 - Part 1 - Transactional Analysis and Redecision: A Short-Term, Focused Approach to Change featuring Mary M. Goulding, MSW.
With discussant Jeffrey K Zeig, PhD.
Moderated by Theodore Reid, Jr, MD.
Invited Address Session 5 - Part 2 - Group Therapy: Mainline or Sideline? featuring Robert L. Goulding, MD.
With discussant Virginia M Satir, ACSW.
Moderated by F. Theodore Reid, Jr, MD.