EP05 Workshop 09 - Treatment of Individuals with Aggressive Behavior : A Life-Span Treatment Approach - Donald Meichenbaum, PhD
Original Program Date :
Length: 1:22:09
A life-span, cognitive-behavioral approach will be offered to treat individuals who have problems controlling their anger and who have related co-morbid psychiatric problems. The issues of prediction of violence and how to intervene across the entire life-span will be highlighted. Specific cognitive-behavioral interventions will be demonstrated.
Educational Objectives:
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D in Clinical Psychology is currently Research Director of Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention, Miami (melissainstitute.org). He is one of the founders of cognitive behavior therapy. He was voted one of the most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century. Latest books include "Roadmap to Resilience" (www.roadmaptoresilience.com) and "Evolution of Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Personal and Professional Journey."