BT18 Keynote 05 - Feeling Great: High-Speed Cognitive Therapy - David Burns, MD
Original Program Date :
Length: 1:00:36
Dr. Burns will describe powerful new TEAM-CBT techniques that can greatly accelerate recovery from depression and anxiety disorders. He will bring these tools with life with dramatic video excerpts from a therapy session with a mental health professional who had been struggling with years of intense anxiety, depression, and guilt.
Educational Objectives:
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
David D. Burns is an adjunct professor emeritus in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine and the author of the best-selling books Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy and The Feeling Good Handbook. Burns popularized Aaron T. Beck's cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) when his book became a best seller during the 1980s.